We travel to other countries in part to encourage and mentor local pastors and believers. Often, however, we return home with stories of how we have been stirred by the sacrificial service of believers in other lands.
One such story involves Indian Pastor John Mark. For over 10 years, this particular pastor sacrificially gave his time and treasure to build a church. The building was constructed piece by piece as the pastor struggled to raise funds for material and labor. A truly impressive edifice arose from his prolonged efforts – one of the nicest churches I saw in the entire area.
Providentially, our visit coincided with the church's completion. My colleague, Rev. John Hathaway, and I were invited as honored guests to preach at the dedication service. We both noticed that Pastor John Mark did not speak at all during this service. His brother led the service while he sat by and wept like a child throughout, overcome with joy because of God's goodness in providing this building.
After the service, John Mark led us next door to his own house for dinner. We were astounded to find he lived in a hut with walls made from mud and dung stucco, a thatched roof of palm leaves, and a dirt floor.
I could not help thinking, "This man is perfectly willing to live in a hut, sacrificing his health and earthly comforts, in order to build that beautiful house of worship for the glory of Jesus Christ in this Hindu town. Is it any wonder God so blesses his soul and honors his ministry with souls?"
John Mark's selfless service is representative of many of those we work with in S. India. These men are true heroes.
It is an honor and a privilege to come alongside of them in ministry, building up God's Kingdom in this land long known for its heathen temples and idols!