In March I traveled with Rev. Melvin Adams and Rev. Rick Hutchison to hold a conference for pastors and Christian workers in Bapatla, India. Over 100 people attended the conference, some of them traveling from villages hundreds of miles away. We hosted a young group: 85% of the pastors are not yet 33 years old!
Both the pastors and congregations were amazed that Christians halfway around the world would care enough to send financial aid (after the Tsunami) and to give their time to travel to India to teach, preach and help others more fully understand the Word of God.
Wide-ranging Subjects
We held five teaching sessions a day for 3 days at the pastor’s conference, covering such topics as:
What a whirlwind tour! The trip surely blessed me as I saw people respond to the gospel!
- Christian Holiness
- Ethics (encouraging the leaders to practice what they preach)
- Sexual purity (a hot topic everywhere)
- Church growth
I had the honor of discussing how laymen like me view pastors, giving these church leaders insight into their congregations’ perspective.
We also spent seven days preaching in 25 villages.
What a whirlwind tour! The trip surely blessed me as I saw people respond to the gospel and observed the unity among the pastors and leaders at the conference. Thanks for your support that makes a conference like this possible.
-- Leon Wallace