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project1One of our evangelism projects has been providing equipment and materials for expanded evangelistic outreach in India.

Open-air meetings in cities and rural villages are very effective in India for bringing new people to Christ. Our Indian partners have been very zealous and courageous in going to new areas, often at risk of serious oppostion. God has honored their efforts with many new believers and new congregations started. Barnabas Ministries wants to help them do more!


project3However, they have often made do with outdated and sometimes unreliable PA systems. We want to help them upgrade and add video capability for showing the Jesus Film. This would help them impact many more people, especially in remote areas among tribal groups.

Here are some needed equipment items in India:

  • Portable PA System with microphones
  • Portable Lighting
  • Generator
  • Video Projector, DVD player, & Screen

If you wish to invest in this project or want more information, contact Rick at Barnabas Ministries today!

Barnabas Ministries

21070 Meadow Road West
Lenoir City, TN 37772


Telephone: 865 995 2305
Mobile Phone Number: 865 300 4460


Barnabas Ministries is incorporated in
the state of Tennessee as a non-profit 
religious organization, and is recognized
by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charity.
All gifts and contributions are
fully tax deductible.

Missions Services

Rev. Rick Hutchison is available for missions services throughout the year. He has fresh news and exciting PowerPoint pictures of ministries and people in India, Ukraine, and other countries where Barnabas Ministries is active.

Contact him for scheduling.